The following Forecast Section is a static display for the Forecast Data...nothing fancy.
This format is probably best used in a stand alone Web Page accessed by a link or on
a Web Page that is stacked vertically with lots of room for scrolling.

Updated Forecast Time
 day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7
 Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast
 Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp
 Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir
 Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp
 night1 night2 night3 night4 night5 night6 night7
 Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast Short Forecast
 Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp
 Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir
 Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp
Your Sebastian, FL Area 7 Day Detailed Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast

The following Forecast Section uses the hover over feature to display Forecast Data in pop up boxes.

Updated Forecast Time
7 Day Detailed Forecast
Your Sebastian, FL Area 7 Day Detailed Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
Rules of the Road for Viewing. Hover over the 7 Day Detailed Forecast, the Forecast Icons or Detailed Forecast for the Magical Mystery Tour to begin.
 day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7
Short ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort Forecast
 Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp
 Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir
 Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp
Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast
 night1 night2 night3 night4 night5 night6 night7
Short ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort Forecast
 Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp
 Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir
 Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp
Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast

To much information will overload the sensory inputs to the brain rendering the user null and void of meaningful interaction.
Then again, as Ron White has ascertained time and time again; "You can't fix stupid!" I, for one, am inclined to agree.

Updated Forecast Time
7 Day Detailed Forecast
Your Sebastian, FL Area 7 Day Detailed Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
 Long ForecastName
 Long Forecast
Rules of the Road for Viewing. Hover over the 7 Day Detailed Forecast, the Forecast Icons or Detailed Forecast for the Magical Mystery Tour to begin.
 day1 night1 day2 night2 day3 night3 day4 night4 day5 night5 day6 night6 day7 night7
Short ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort ForecastShort Forecast
 Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp
 Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir Winddir
 Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp Windsp
Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast Houston, we have a problem. Detailed Forecast