KFLSEBAS1 - CW7841 in Sebastian, Florida  

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Storm Videos from Sebastian, Florida

Hurricane Matthew 2016

This Web Page is still under going additions. There is more to be added as time permits.
Check back for updates and additions.

  Featured below is +/-27 hours of recorded video during the passage of Hurricane Matthew
as the storm moved north along and just offshore the east coast of Florida during the late evening of
October 6, 2016 and the early morning of October 7, 2016.

The video begins at approximateky 1:00PM on Thursday October 6, 2016
and was edited to end at approximately 3:00PM on Friday October 7, 2106.

Click on PLAY to start the video and click on the speaker to UNMUTE the audio.

Hurricane Matthew Tracking Map

September 28 - October 10, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Wind Field  Map

September 28 - October 10, 2016

Hurricane Matthew September 28 - October 10, 2016

This is a GOES 13 Water Vapor Loop of Hurricane Matthew.


Permission was given to link to or use these loops, but credit is requested and given
to Brian McNoldy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School.

It is an awesome collection of Tropical Cyclone Radar Loops that are worth
viewing. Great work Brian and many thanks!


  • Southeast US (6Oct 1000Z - 9Oct 0600Z)  GIF MP4
  • Wilmington long-range (8Oct 1000Z - 9Oct 0400Z)  GIF
  • Charleston short-range (8Oct 1000Z - 8Oct 1600Z)  GIF
  • Jacksonville (7Oct 0600Z - 8Oct 0800Z)  GIF MP4
  • Melbourne (6Oct 1600Z - 8Oct 00Z)  GIF MP4
  • Miami (6Oct 0400Z - 7Oct 1200Z)  GIF MP4
  • Cuba composite (4Oct 1000Z - 6Oct 1300Z)  GIF
  • Gran Piedra (3Oct 1000Z - 6Oct 0000Z)  GIF
  • Guantanamo (4Oct 0400Z -5Oct 1600Z)  GIF
  • Jamaica (3Oct 0000Z - 4Oct 1800Z)  GIF
  • Maracaibo (30Sep 1400Z - 1Oct 1800Z)  GIF
  • Curacao (29Sep 1800Z - 30Sep 2000Z)  GIF
  • Barbados (28Sep 0200Z - 29Sep 0000Z)  GIF


Hurricane Matthew 2016
  • Southeast US (6Oct 1000Z - 9Oct 0600Z)     GIF     MP4
  • Wilmington long-range (8Oct 1000Z - 9Oct 0400Z)     GIF
  • Charleston short-range (8Oct 1000Z - 8Oct 1600Z)     GIF
  • Jacksonville (7Oct 0600Z - 8Oct 0800Z)     GIF     MP4
  • Melbourne (6Oct 1600Z - 8Oct 00Z)     GIF     MP4
  • Miami (6Oct 0400Z - 7Oct 1200Z)     GIF     MP4
  • Cuba composite (4Oct 1000Z - 6Oct 1300Z)     GIF
  • Gran Piedra (3Oct 1000Z - 6Oct 0000Z)     GIF
  • Guantanamo (4Oct 0400Z -5Oct 1600Z)     GIF
  • Jamaica (3Oct 0000Z - 4Oct 1800Z)     GIF
  • Maracaibo (30Sep 1400Z - 1Oct 1800Z)     GIF
  • Curacao (29Sep 1800Z - 30Sep 2000Z)     GIF


Hurricane Matthew October 7, 2016
Sebastian, Florida

This is a short video clip taken during the morning on Friday October 7, 2015
at approximately 9:00AM when Hurricane Matthew was located almost
due north of Sebastian, FL and just SE of Daytona Beach, FL.

Photo Gallery

Hurricane Matthew Photos

Jog Any Memories?

A family
continues with
Forecast Track
Maps taped to the
kitchen cabinet doors.
Up close look at
the forecast
track maps. It's
not looking
good. Nope......
not looking
good at all.
Out come the plywood
I repeat this
is not a drill.
Boarded up looking
south across the
front of the old
Boarded up
looking SW at the
front of the old
I want to go out
and play in the
He's freakin'
wood fence
behind the
Another angle
on the downed
wood fence.
Looking east
on the north side
of the garage,
The old cedar
trees took
another hit but
not as bad as
2004 & 2005.
Another view
on the cedar
trees damage.
Looking SE
over the
Looking SE
towards the
cars and house.
Another take
looking ESE
towards the
house across
the street.
A close up of the
cedar tree danage.
Another close
up of the cedar
tree damage.
Looking east at
the tree damage
across the
The pile of debris
that was
approximately 25'
long, 10' wide
and 5' high.

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Monday, November 04, 2024 11:59:54 AM

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That'll do pig. That'll do.